Monday, January 11, 2010

Sunday's Rainbow (or "Snowbow")

My good friend Joni (actually a friend since childhood!) posted a pix of Sunday's rainbow on my Facebook page. Thought I'd pass it along (above). Several folks shared with me that they saw the rainbow through snow, which would make it a "snowbow" instead of a rainbow, I guess??

I realize not everyone knows the rainbow story (as well as the deer story). I'll share on both of those soon. If you haven't checked it out before, here is a link to a news story in the Middletown Journal about the rainbow story (which happened in August 2006).

Thanks all!


  1. Barry you are in my prayers...Did you see the one set of footprints in the picture...He is carrying her and you! It struck me right off when I looked at it.

    Billie Back (Lansdale)

  2. Bear,
    Two words: Overtime, Disaster
    I never though the Pack would ast long in the play-offs, but I really thought we'd take the Cardinals. Anyway, know that you are loved and you are continally in our prayers.

    Be God's

  3. Hi Barry, I've never blogged before, but I think I'm going to love it! On the day after New Year's day, I was on the deck putting food out for the birds. It was barely snow flurrying and a big snowflake came down right in front of my face and landed on the deck rail. It was so big and beautiful, I could see all the detail of its perfect form. There were lots of other flakes on the rail, but none nearly as big and obvously as perfect as this one. I had the thought, "I wonder if this is God reminding me of Dana's perfection now." It stayed for so long that I was able to take a picture of it. I showed it to Rose and all the others at my house, but didn't mention my "God" thought. When Rose and Ed were leaving the next day Rose cried and said, "God sent us a message about Dana." I counted that as a God stamp. I'm so glad you're doing this blog. It is beautiful. Love you, Pam

  4. Ahh Pam! That is an AWESOME God stamp! It also reminds me a bit of the rain drop that landed on my cheek on a bike ride! You'll have to send me the picture of the flake...thanks for passing that along.

    And thanks Greg and Billie for your thoughts and prayers! (And yes Greg, that loss was a heartbreaker!).

    Thanks all!
